March 24th, Northeast Community College held the 10th Annual Multicultural Show, sponsored by the College’s Multicultural Club.
The Multicultural Show is a celebration of the different ethnicities on the Northeast campus in Norfolk. Entertainment included high-energy native dances, touching poetry readings about homelands and a fashion show featuring clothing from around the world.
Northeast currently has 41 international students from 17 different countries including the Bahamas, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Colombia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Kenya, South Korea, Zambia, Croatia, Russia, Nigeria, France, Mongolia, Ghana, Cameroon, Italy.
Ted Myers and Melissa Lemke-Elznic are co-advisors of the Northeast Multicultural Club.
Myers said the show is an opportunity to experience the world without ever having to leave your hometown. “It’s an experience for the whole family,” he said.
“As always, our goal of the Multicultural Show is to showcase a great variety music, traditions and the food of other cultures to the community,” said Lemke-Elznic. “It’s just a great way to introduce our international students and their countries to Northeast Nebraska.”
A capacity crowd was on hand again for this year’s show which featured foods from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, North America and South America, as well as music and clothing from many different countries.
Watch for more photos and video coverage.