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The Dark Knight Strikes Again!


The Dark Knight lurked around campus, fearful because the sun was leaving very little camouflage to cover herself.  She ate lunch with the students in Hawks landing and got many strange looks from passersby.

On Tuesday I dressed up as Batman, and was not scared to run around campus in a mask and tights.  It was something that I was looking forward to for many weeks.

One day the editors on the Viewpoint staff were waiting for Alberto Garcia so we could start our editorial meeting.  Brittney Means and I were sent to look for him and were told by many people that they had saw him in several different places during the morning.

Because of this fiasco, I joked that Garcia should dress up as Where’s Waldo.  Garcia is always around, but no one can ever find him when he is needed.

From this idea it was proposed that all the editors on the viewpoint staff should dress up and have pictures taken of them to put in the last issue.  It would be something fun to do as the last few weeks are coming upon the campus.

For three of the staff members this was a final hurrah because they are graduating and moving on to bigger things like jobs and more college (hooray?).  They needed something that was simple and fun.

The whole event started on April 5th, when all of the editors wore their costumes to layout and took many goofy pictures playing their character that they dressed up as.  Hair was teased, poodle skirts were worn and masks squashed faces (my mask was a kids mask).

Tuesday started normal, got up and ate breakfast and then prepared to go to the Northeast Campus.  The only thing added to this situation was that I drove to campus as Batman, not Britt Young.

I can say that I did not get any pictures taken with me in the Batman outfit, but I did however get a lot of odd looks while I was wearing the costume.  Some people even dropped their jaws when they saw a six foot girl dressed in all spandex and a mask.

I was brave like the comic book hero and played along with the looks by waving at many people in the hallways and outside.

As student traveled by the Viewpoint newsroom, they could see me fist pumping and writing my latest article for the final paper in my Northeast career.

Nikita Rector commented during Applied Journalism, “I can’t take you seriously with that mask on.”  I continued to speak and gaze at her with my squinty Batman eyes.

Even though I did not get any pictures, I believe that I made a lasting impression on the Northeast campus.  Many were probably talking about the weird girl dressed in the Batman costume.

Batman has always been a hero of mine because even though he (Bruce Wayne) was rich, he risked his life daily for others who did even know who he really was.  I admired that about him, even though he was a fictional character and I was proud to wear the bat on my chest, even if it was only for a day.

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