Jeanne Harr has the moves like Jaggar. She’s 90 years old, legally blind and near-deaf but that doesn’t stop her from dancing. Back in December her grandson, Adam, decided to put a video up of her dancing on YouTube and now she’s a YouTube hit.
Jeanne’s father wasn’t sure if she could sit still, so in 1928 at age 7, they enrolled her in ballet. While she has never danced professionally, she has made quite a few accomplishments with dancing. She has won an award for her Waltz and can dance a jaw-dropping Jitterbug. She also enjoys many other dances like big band dancing and the twist.
She danced more before she got married than after. Although, her and her late husband, Leffel, would routinely go dancing for entertainment. They both loved square dancing.
“Dancing is something I, or anyone can do. I dance when I feel happy and it makes me feel better”, Jeanne said.
Nowadays, she does more free-styling then anything. She likes to dance to songs that have a distinct, heavy beat, like Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO and Moves Like Jaggar by Maroon 5 featuring Christina Aguilera.
Jeanne never thought she’d be an inspiration to so many. Her YouTube videos have hundreds of comments from people telling her they love her and to keep dancing. Of course, she has her haters too.
Her message to her haters is this, “I don’t care. You don’t have to look at me. There’s always going to be people who don’t like something and the people that do.”
As for her fans, “I just feel very happy that so many people enjoyed it.” Jeanne said.
LMFAO even gave her a shout out.
“I was astonished, because I’m so little known and they are well known. It went straight to my heart that they liked it and me so much.” Jeanne said about LMFAO’s shout out.
If you want to watch any of Jeanne’s videos go to Adam’s YouTube channel at:
If you want to “like” her go to her Facebook page at: