Nebraska State Patrol honors Northeast media arts instructor with public service award

Logan Solis

Northeast Community College Media Arts instructor Timothy Miller receives Public Service Award from Nebraska State Patrol Troop B

Josh Crim, Editor in Chief/Reporter

The Nebraska State Patrol has recognized a Northeast Community College faculty member for outstanding service to the agency.

Media Arts Instructor Timothy Miller was presented with the Patrol’s Public Service award for his work with law enforcement. For the past six years, Miller has been assisting the State Patrol clean up video and audio surveillance files so they can be presented in court cases to solve crimes.

“One of the avenues I was in the process of pursuing before I came to Northeast was to potentially go to work for the FBI and use my skills in audio and video to work with them,” Miller said. “As it turns out, I came here to Northeast and started teaching. So it’s not that surprising to me. It was one of those things that could have been in the cards.”

Nebraska State Patrol Troop B honors Northeast Media Arts instructor Timothy Miller with a Public Service Award at their annual meeting (l-r) Lt. Roger Folkers, Col. John Bolduc, Timothy Miller, Sgt. Gaylen Svoboda

Miller received the award during the State Patrol Troop B’s annual “Phase 2” meeting. Retired Sgt. Gaylen Svoboda nominated Miller because of his volunteer work with surveillance camera video footage which is sometimes poor quality. Miller works to enhance the video and audio, make a suspect’s face easier to identify, and sharpens and brightens a crime scene.

“It’s just getting it as clear and clean as possible and documenting the steps that I took if it is ever called into evidence,” said Miller.

Lt. Roger Folkers said the State Patrol Troop B Office does not have a media resource and, consequently, relies on citizens to help.

“Without Mr. Miller’s help, some of those crimes wouldn’t have been closed,” said Folkers.

Public Service Award inscription: In appreciation for your video surveillance and audio recording assistance to law enforcement in Troop B, Norfolk, Nebraska, over the past six years. You have generously given numerous hours of your own time and expense to ensure the successful presentation of many serious homicide cases.

Svoboda initially approached Miller at Northeast Community College about helping the Patrol, but due to the sensitivity of the files and the subject matter, he decided to do the work at home. Miller, who co-owns Media Production Group, LLC., produces a multitude of video and audio products for local and national companies and agencies. He has all the media equipment necessary to support the State Patrol and he has been happy to share it and his expertise.

Miller said, “I do take a sense of pride in being able to help them, help protect us. So in the sense of preserving law and order, there is some satisfaction in that.”

Miller said working in media outside of class is essential for media instructors because the technology is continually changing.

Folkers’ said Troop B has Miller in its Rolodex and will continue to ask for his help to solve crimes.

“Tim hasn’t seen the last of us,” Folkers said.

(l-r) Lt. Roger Folkers, Timothy Miller, Sgt. Gaylen Svoboda