Northeast Community College offers educational overseas opportunities
November 10, 2016
Northeast Community College prides itself with great education, excellent value, and the friendly and caring staff that work on the campus. Along with the low tuition and the high success rate, Northeast is, also, known for its cooperation with international colleges.
This May, students will get the opportunity to travel to Prague and Vienna after they take a special topics class taught by Brad Vogt and Harry Lindner. Students will spend the spring semester learning about different topics, such as history, photography, architecture, the German and Czech languages and self-defense. A total of four elective credits will be earned by the end of this experience. The May 16-30th, 2017 trip costs approximately $3,500, which includes airfare, lodging, transportation and some admission costs. The deadline to sign up is November 15th.
Another trip that is in the works is to London and Stratford-Upon-Avon. Students will spend the 2018 Spring semester reading William Shakespeare’s plays and learning about that specific time period. The trip is projected to take place from May 15-30, 2018. During this opportunity, students will have access to tours and events that are not available to the average tourist.
The total cost of this trip is approximately $3,800, which includes airfare, lodging, ground transportation, event admissions and travel insurance. Pam Saalfeld, the Director of the Center for Global Engagement, encourages students to sign up early so payments are smaller. She says, “we will have access to some very distinguished guest speakers. We will have backstage access to the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Globe Theater. We will see plays. We will actually have access to some very rare manuscripts.”
Saalfeld encourages students to get in touch with her as soon as possible, because she has scholarship money available. To learn more information about your travel opportunities at Northeast Community College, you can find Pam Saalfeld in Maclay 142, or you can email her at