Former Northeast Community College Student Makes a Success Of Himself

Jackson Miller, Assistant editor-in-chief

After bouncing around from dead end job to dead end job Chance Rohlk decided to return to college and get a degree in welding. Rohlk enrolled in classes at Northeast Community College at the College Center in South Sioux City, Nebraska. After graduating from Northeast in the spring of 2010 with his AWS welding certification he went to work for 3TSI, a mechanical piping, process piping, and welding contractor, which helped Rohlk continue to work in his field ever since.

This year Rohlk was given the Excellence in Apprenticeship award by the Central Iowa Chapter of the Mechanical Contractors Association.  The award signifies his excellence as a  third year pipe trades apprentice, and because of outstanding leadership, and scholastic achievement. Rohlk stated that, ” I hope to win it again next year.”

Click the video for more on Chance Rohlk and his success.