Hawks Fall To #10 Des Moines Area CC In Final Regular Season Match
Members of the 2014 Northeast Community College volleyball team include (front row, l-r) Sammy Sullivan, Allen, student manager, Brittany Sullivan Allen, Kiara Lopez, Schuyler, Meagan Backer, Wayne, Kelsie Myers, Broken Bow, Maggie Earney Whitney, and Michelle Seagren, trainer. Back row (l-r), Amanda Schultze head coach, Sarah Maxson Wayne, Morgan Uhlir, Norfolk, Sydney Whitmarsh, Arlington, Grace Ecklund, Overton, Taryn Luedtke ,Creston, Whitney Valasek, Palmer, Haley Roelle, Creston, and Sarah Novak, assistant coach. (Courtesy Photo)
November 1, 2014
DES MOINES, IA – The Northeast Community College volleyball team fell to Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) here Wednesday in the Hawks’ regular season match of the season. The scores were 25-17, 25-22, 25-23. DMACC is ranked #10 in the latest National Junior College Athletic Association Division II poll.
Brittany Sullivan and Taryn Luedtke had seven kills each while Sydney Whitmarsh had six for the 15-15 Hawks. Maggie Earney contributed 23 assists while Megan Backer recorded 17 digs. Elsewhere, Sullivan had two ace serves while Grace Ecklund had one solo and three assist blocks and Sarah Maxon registered one solo block.