New Technology Provides Opportunities For Broadcasting Students

The Broadcast students on the Campus of Northeast Community College have just received a new innovative piece of technology to help them learn the duties and responsibilities of their field, called a tricaster. Brian Anderson, broadcasting instructor, defines a tricaster as an “all digital video switching system.” Anderson and his students’ plan on using the tri-caster to replace their outdated sets and video switching technology. This can be achieved because of tricasters ability to create virtual sets, much like those made at larger news studios. “We can turn our whole control room into one computer… be the primary video for Hawk TV News.”

More training is still needed before the tricaster is up and running on a weekly basis, but training is under way and the reveal is set to be in the works for the next couple of weeks. Anderson also stated that, “ it is important for students to work with what (technology) that will be at their future occupations.” The media association as a whole is moving toward a more technological business, and students had better be ready for it.