NORFOLK – Several members of the Northeast Community College Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Club earned honors at the organization’s State Leadership Conference held recently in Kearney.
The team competed against many four-year schools including the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska-Kearney, Midland University, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Peru State College, and Doane College. Other two-year colleges at the conference, included McCook Community College, North Platte Community College, and Southeast Community College – Milford.
Phi Beta Lambda focuses on developing leadership, communication, and team skills in its members as well as giving members an opportunity to meet and network with other PBL members at the local, state, or national levels. PBL places an emphasis on helping students transition to the business world. There are approximately 11,000 PBL members on college campuses across the country.
Northeast students who received awards during the State Leadership Conference include Business Decision Making – Gary Brunckhorst, Pierce, Michael Wallace, Norfolk, and Ben Temple, Norfolk, first, Beth Ebmeier,Laurel, and Jenna McCleary, Battle Creek, fourth; Business Law – Temple, first; Job Interview – McCleary, first, Kortnie Eckstrom, Osmond, fifth, Ebmeier, sixth; Client Services – Michelle Haselhorst, Wausa, second; Impromptu Speaking, Temple, second; Economic Analysis and Decision Making – Wallace and Temple, second; Strategic Analysis and Decision Making – Temple and Wallace, second and Brunckhorst, Haselhorst and Eckstrom, third.
Future Business Executive – Eckstrom, third; Management Analysis & Decision Making – Ebmeier and McCleary, third; Networking Concepts – Devon Eggerling, Brunswick, third; Sales Presentation – Eckstrom, fourth; Business Communications, McCleary, fifth; Marketing Analysis and Decision Making, Ebmeier and McCleary, fifth; Computer Concepts, Eggerling, sixth; and Retail Management, Elysia Wagner, Winside, seventh.
Other PBL members competing at the conference were Audrey Brandl, Stanton, and William Kackmeister,Ainsworth.
Members who placed first or second are automatically eligible to compete in the National PBL Leadership Conference in Nashville, TN, in June.
Also at the State Leadership Conference, Haselhorst and Ebmeier were elected as 2014-15 state officers – vice president of finance and assistant vice president of public relations, respectively.
Angie Shaffer, business instructor, serves as the advisor for the Northeast PBL Club.