As I looked out across the haze
Dust particles lingering in shades of grey
My eyes adjust to the piercing light
I see a movement just beyond my vision
From the corner of my eye, a thread
That separates the dawn from the dusk
I close my eyes, it is nearly dusk
Dark clouds have swallowed up the light
The sun reaches out through the haze
But all that is seen is a tiny thread
Of hope fading into grey
It is all a part of my vision
I can still see that vision
But then it snaps like a thread
I lose myself in the thickening haze
The day closes into dusk
Drowning in perpetual light
The horizon is laced with gentle rays of light
The dawn once again has overtaken dusk
I try to remember my dreams and my visions
Of the previous night, but they are grey
My mind travels slow, draped in haze
Everything seems to swing by a thread
The day begins to unravel like a thread
It is suspended in darkness rather than light
Cold, like the stars of a night time vision
Just after the sun sets at dusk
Everything turns into a bitter grey
But now the only left in the sky is haze
-Angela Richart