NORFOLK – The Allied Health Division at Northeast Community College has been presented Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) devices to help train people in the life saving technique.
Four “Little Anne” CPR training unit manikins have been donated to the College by the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation and the Nebraska New Car and Truck Dealers Association. Pat Sullivan, vice president of dealer affairs for the Nebraska New Car and Truck Dealers Association, and owners of three Norfolk new car dealerships – Darrell Novacek of Courtesy Ford Lincoln, Al Rajee of Cornhusker Auto Center and Cornhusker Imports, and Andy Swanson of Norfolk GM Auto Center – were at the College on Friday to present the manikins to Heather Claussen, director of Allied Health at Northeast and Michele Gill, dean of Health and Wellness at the College.
CPR training teaches a person how to keep the heart beating while waiting for professional help to arrive. “Little Anne” offers all the essential features necessary for CPR training that is designed for both the user and instructor in mind. The lightweight adult CPR trainers give signals telling when the trainee is applying the right pressure in the correct spot or breathing correctly into the victim’s mouth. With training, the students learn the “feel” of giving quick lifesaving emergency treatment.
In presenting the CPR units, Sullivan said, “If the right kind of treatment can be given to a heart attack victim within seconds after he or she is stricken, the chances are good that the life can be saved.”
Claussen said she appreciates the donation. “These units will be most beneficial to all of our CPR students and instructors. The lives of many people may be saved because our students will have the opportunity to train on some of the latest equipment available. I am extremely grateful for the Foundation, the Nebraska association and our local new car dealers for this generous donation.”
Since its inception in 1975, the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation has provided more than 4,100 training units in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., totaling more than $2.3 million in grants. More than 1.9 million people have been trained on Foundation-donated CPR manikins, and countless lives have been saved.
The Foundation is part of the National Automobile Dealers Association with headquarters in McLean, VA. Its membership includes over 19,000 franchised new car and truck dealers in the U.S.
Northeast Community College is an American Heart Association Training Center, offering all levels of CPR training from Lay level Heartsaver to Advanced Cardiac Life Support in a 20 county area.