All it takes is one.
One person to say that who you are is wrong.
That you’re weird and fat and ugly.
That one person gets into your life, not by choice but by force.
The words they say affect every little thing you do and say.
Slowly the beautiful flower you once were is gone.
You’re conforming, morphing into something else, something you’re not.
Because if you don’t you’ll never “fit in”, you’ll never be “pretty”, “charming” or “funny”.
The core of who you once were is gone and now all that’s left is sadness and darkness.
But on the outside you seem “perfect”.
You’re dark and evil.
You speak wrongly of others and you’re now ruining other people’s cores.
All it takes is one.
One person to ruin your life
One person to ruin other’s lives.
It only takes one.