Thrown toothpicks and plastic cups
“You’re so stupid”s and “Shut the hell up’s”
You’re never sweet, but always cruel
Worse than raw meat, and dogs that drool
With eyes blacker than the blackest ink
Bathed in a cloud of cologne stink
You never smile, but always smirk
Never been nothing but a first-rate jerk
You’re tripping me when I walk by
I swat you in the face and say “There was a fly.”
Nasty insults and more comebacks
Your favorite seat and a box of tacks
You’d like me if I weren’t so mean
I’d like you if you ruptured your spleen
On and on our battles go
They seem to do nothing but grow and grow
Surely, we’ll go down in history
But will we ever be friends? Ah that is a mystery.
Maybe someday we’ll grow up
But for right now…just shut the hell up