Northeast Community College Creates A Home For International Students

Sonya Sandoval

Did you know there are almost 50 international students representing 17 different countries at Northeast Community College? According to Ted Myers, the International club advisor and recruiter, college communities are sometimes unaware of the rich diversity in the international student population. That is why the International Student club sponsors a Culture Show every year. This is the 13th year of the event, which will be held Sunday, April 26 from 4 pm to 6 pm at The Welcome Center on campus. Myers says, the format will be a little different this year, featuring more contact with the students in a social and educational setting.

The International Student Club started in the spring, 2003 because Northeast officials noticed that the international students on campus were not socializing. International students are a long way from home, away from their families, and anything familiar, and seldom able to go home during breaks and holidays. Also, the International Student club is an actual club where the students can find advocacy and the administration needs. It is important for the students to know where they can take their concerns.

The activities help to motivate the students. Myers says that some students come from a large population and might feel homesick. Also, when students first get to Nebraska where the population is smaller and different, they need a place that makes them feel welcome.

Each year the Culture Show is different, due to new students and others moving on to other schools or back home. The new students bring in different and new ideas, making the Culture Show a unique learning experience every year.

In the past, the International Student Club offered recognition with a potluck of their various cultures, being that it was a small group of people attending. Myers said, the club has been fortunate that each year the attendance has grown. In the past students would prepare the food for the event. However, this year hors d’oeuvres will be served, but guests can still enjoy ethnic drinks such as different coffee flavors and teas.

Click this link to see the video that played at the 2014 Culture Show at Northeast Community College.