Northeast’s Beth Ebmeier Honored For National Award

Beth Ebmeier honored at the capitol

Angela Richart, Editor in Chief

Northeast Community College business student, Beth Ebmeier of Laurel has had quite a year. In June, Ebmeier and Jenna McCleary of Battle Creek, members of Northeast Community College’s PBL Chapter, placed second at the National PBL Conference in Nashville, TN, in the “Strategic Analysis and Decision Making” category. Then in November, Ebmeier and McCleary were honored in Lincoln for their national achievement. They received Nebraska State Board of Education’s “Commissioners Recognition of Student Excellence in Career Education” award at a program held in the state capitol rotunda. That resulted in Ebmeier’s getting her picture taken with Governor Heineman (McCleary wasn’t able to attend the event).

Beth Ebmeier receives an award from the Nebraska State Board of Education. From left – Governor Dave Heineman, Beth Ebmeier, Dr. Wade Herley – Northeast’s Dean of Business & Technology, Dr. Matthew L. Blomstedt, Nebraska Commissioner of Education

The ceremony honored college and high school students who placed first or second nationally at conferences representing eight Nebraska career student organizations such as PBL (Phi Beta Lambda), FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America), FFA and others.

Ebmeier also serves as president of the Northeast PBL Chapter and is assistant vice president of public relations for the Nebraska PBL Chapter. She is the daughter of Mark and Monica Ebmeier of Laurel. McCleary is the daughter of Mike and Kathy McCleary of Battle Creek.

Jenna McCleary

Angie Shaffer, business instructor, serves as the advisor for the Northeast PBL Chapter.

Phi Beta Lambda focuses on developing leadership, communication, and team skills in its members as well as giving members an opportunity to meet and network with other PBL members at the local, state, or national levels. PBL places an emphasis on helping students transition to the business world. There are approximately 11,000 PBL members on college campuses across the country.

Ebmeier sat down with The Viewpoint’s editor in chief, Angela Richart to talk about what is turning out to be a very successful year in her pursuit of a degree in business administration.