Did you do anything interesting on Spring Break? No? Me neither. I had to work on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so I did not even get to enjoy myself outside earlier this week. The only good thing about Spring Break is that I got to sleep in. No, that is not right, I do not have to worry about homework either, though I do have some to do before Monday. The only exciting thing happening to me this break is the Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony on Sunday, March 16 in the Lifelong Learning Center. The ceremony does make my break kind of stressful, though. What should I wear? ‘To wear a dress or to wear slacks, that is the question’, to paraphrase Shakespeare. What if I wear slacks when every other girl wears a dress? Oh, the horror!
Did You Have an Interesting Spring Break?
Karly Liska, author
March 13, 2014

About the Contributor

Karly Liska, Reporter
Job Title: Reporter
Major: Journalism
Hometown: Verdigre, Ne
About: I grew up on a farm and attended Verdigre Public School. I was on the Yearbook staff in my senior year of high school and am now on my second year of journalism in college. I am a book fan, not a sports fan and I am very quiet. I am so quiet, people usually forget that I’m in the room. I’m really excited to finish my final year of school, but I still don’t know what I’m going to do after I graduate.