Career Services Etiquette Dinner

Angela Richart

As a newspaper reporter you often get signed up to cover events you didn’t think you’d have much of an interest in, it’s all part of the job. So when I got back from my Christmas Break and found out that I had been designated to go to an Etiquette Dinner, my first thought was, “Are you kidding me? I’m like the furthest thing from a lady!”

Since I have always been a tad introverted, going to social gatherings haven’t always been my forte. When I walked in and saw all the tables set up, it all looked very fancy, if not a little intimidating. Once the presentation started I began to get more comfortable.

Angela Richart at the Etiquette Dinner.
Angela Richart at the Etiquette Dinner.

So began my night on Tuesday, January 28th at the Etiquette Dinner. The dinner was held in the Life Long Learning Center and was hosted by the Career Services Director, Terri Heggemeyer. The goal of the Etiquette Dinner was to teach students proper manners in a formal dinner setting and to better prepare them for future interview and career situations they might encounter.


The dinner was directed by Christina Fielder, Assistant Director of Arts and Sciences Advising Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She demonstrated how to properly hold napkins and drinks while mingling before a meal as well as proper ways of introducing yourself and others. She also instructed the group on table settings and silverware usage throughout the four course meal which was served.

Christina Fielder demonstrating the proper way to hold silverware while cutting.
Demonstrating the proper way to hold silverware while cutting.

The meal consisted of a beef and barley soup for the first course followed by a salad and the entrée was chicken served with cooked broccoli and carrots. The desert, a yellow cake with chocolate frosting, had been tempting the students all night on the table in front of them. Coffee, ice tea and water were also available throughout the meal.

The entree
The entree

Between courses students were allowed to ask questions such as “If you have religious belief s is it proper to pray at a formal dinner?” and “What should you when parts of your salad falls off your plate?”

The night was fun as well as educational for everyone involved. It is definitely something I would recommend attending for anyone who may need a hand with social etiquette, or are pursuing any career in business. Nevertheless, manners and proper etiquette are just good things for everyone to have.

To see more picture from the Etiquette Dinner check out our flickr page.