Have you always wanted to travel to Europe? Well here at Northeast Community College we have opportunities to take you there. With our GO Global program students get the chance to travel with faculty to some of the world’s most famous sites.
This spring the group with spend 15 days traveling through Spain and Italy. The group will explore The Vatican, Canals of Venice, Ruins of Pompeii, Alcazaba, Barcelona Cathedral and many other places.
The estimated cost for the trip is $3900, including airfare, lodging, admissions and food.
In order to go on the trip you are require to take a 3-credit class Italy and Spain: Culture and Language taught by Wendy Swenson. Also, the trip itself earns you an additional credit.
So while you’re signing up for classes in the next few weeks you could consider the following courses that will be good to help prepare you for the trip.
SPAN 1200- Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 1210- Elementary Spanish II
GEOG 1020- World Regional Geography
HIST 1050- World History I
HIST 1060- World History II
SOCI 2150- Issues of Unity and Diversity
AGRI 1290- International Agriculture and Agribusiness
BSAD 2250- International Business
For more information contact Pam Saalfeld, the Study Abroad Coordinator. She is located in the Agriculture/Allied Health Building Room 247, or give her a call at 402-844-7347.