Psychic/Medium Kelli Miller visits Northeast


Photo by Northeast Student Activities Council

Psychic/Medium Kelli Miller performs audience readings at Northeast Community College

Carli Huston, Reporter

Psychic/Medium Kelli Miller visited the Lifelong Learning Center at Northeast Community College on September 27, 2017.

The event was open to students as well as the Norfolk public, and consisted of two segments; first, Miller shared her personal story of becoming a medium, explained how crossing over into the spirit world works, and encouraged everyone in the audience to figure out what their life’s purpose is.

Miller took a ten minute break to meditate, and then came back on stage to perform public readings.  She connected with the crowd by offering details that were specific to particular audience members.  Miller told one woman that the spirits approved of the woman’s renovation to her farmhouse, and the woman felt relieved at the spirits’ support.

Photo courtesy of Northeast Student Activities Council